Charlie Stefanini
AssociateCharles Stefanini has two decades of government relations, strategic campaign and public affairs experience. Charlie collaborates with Marty Corry and Dominique Salogar on their legislative work and provides counsel and assistance on many diverse issues.
Charlie presently serves as an independent consultant providing lobbying and government relations services. Charlie advises a wide range of business and advocacy clients before Massachusetts State Government. He provides strategic planning and counsel, develops and implements multi-faceted issues-based campaigns, grassroots campaigns, and does direct lobbying of the State Legislature and Executive Branch.
Charlie has a broad base of issues experience, working strategically with clients in the areas of Healthcare, Education, Small Business, Entertainment and Gaming. Over past legislative sessions Charlie has worked and secured legislative successes in the Life Sciences, Film Television & Streaming Production, Alcohol and Automobile Industries. He has been part of landmark legislation related to Hepatitis C Therapy, Oral-Chemo Therapy, Regulation of Vaping and E-Cigarettes and Youth Tobacco Prevention.
Charlie is the best advance-man in the business; a few of his highlights:
– Charlie worked with the Massachusetts legislature to ensure that anyone born between the years of 1945-1965 receive a screening by their Primary Care Physician for Hepatitis C. Most people that have Hepatitis C do not know that they have it and therefore do not receive the treatment they need. With this law now in place, patients get diagnosed and cured of Hepatitis C.
– Charlie worked to ensure that patients receiving Oral Chemotherapy receive mandatory coverage in the same manner as if it were being administered via infusion.
– Charlie played a crucial role in helping to legalize gambling in Massachusetts during the passage of expanded gaming. He has been a major contributor to many campaign victories and enjoys running Get Out the Vote (GOTV) campaign strategy.
Charlie has advised political candidates for National, State and Local Offices and has coordinated both field and Get Out the Vote efforts at the local and national level. He received a Bachelors Degree in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Northeastern University.
Charlie played hockey at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. He still continues to skate regularly along with coaching youth hockey teams. He also enjoys a good workout cycling.